Recent content by JayAce

  1. J

    Top signs that the chick is likely crazee!

    Number 1 and 2 seem to be very prevalent in my experiences w women the last several years. I was at a woman’s place a couple weekends ago and she literally had about 4 prescription bottles on her night stand. It was red flag central
  2. J

    Football, a beta male hobby or a legit interest for men?

    If someone likes watching football let them like it. Everyone has their own interests
  3. J

    Anyone catch the buffalo game?

    one of the dumbest comments I’ve read on here
  4. J

    New years plans?

    I feel this 100%
  5. J

    Your Top 10 Red Flags to Look Out for

    outside of maybe two or three of these… literally all my exes
  6. J

    Quality of OLD 2022

    it’s bad and it’s just going to get worse and worse over time. of course there’s the rare diamond in the rough sometimes, but it’s often not worth the time it takes on these apps
  7. J

    What exactly is low interest from women?

    Low interest from a woman is when she doesn’t make it easy for you
  8. J

    All my freinds are going soft

    100% same w most of my friends as well im in the same boat as yours and op’s original post. trying to find new friends, etc. been a bit of a struggle tbh, but it is what it is
  9. J

    Money are the most important thing to .... women

    This guy deserves all the trouble heading his way for showing chicks his bank account balance
  10. J

    Where are the bitcoin lovers now?

    OP is going to look dumber and dumber as time goes on
  11. J

    Does Anyone Else Hate Eating a Girl Out?

    I don’t mind it if a woman takes care of herself down there. I’ve gone down on a couple who didn’t and it was dreadful. I just about gagged
  12. J

    Wanna see another example proving The Wall is real?

    I have a few similar stories of past women dissing me back in the day (7-10 years ago) and them being twice their size now. A couple have gotten married and I don’t know what the other one is doing. I guess they just gave up on their appearance once they got married. The guys they’re with also...
  13. J

    Modern women - boring with little to offer, but expecting...what, exactly?

    Watching Netflix is little to offer? /s