Recent content by Hunchback

  1. H

    Worlds Biggest ****block: The mother.

    I flirt with my fiances mother all the time. I make inappropriate sexual jokes, flirt with her and call her "mum" all the time, which she kinda likes. Treat all women the same, right?
  2. H

    Bootcamp Week#1: Start Your Engines...

    Done tha 50 hi's. Feels ****ing good man. Posted two field reports over on the other board but they're long as hell so I'm not posting them here.
  3. H

    Halloween Party - Costumes to Stand Out?

    Pimp. All tha way. Complete with cane, and gold teeth.
  4. H

    Bootcamp Week#1: Start Your Engines...

    Dudes, I've got too much **** on my mind to post a FR, but I'm still doing it, and still very committed. 16 Hi's and counting.
  5. H

    Bootcamp Week#1: Start Your Engines...

    Nothing too eventful just yet. Four hi's. Not worthy of a field report. I'm going on a date tommorow and I'm still gonna say hi to random strangers. She'll think I'm ****ing nuts. Might be worth a field report. ;)
  6. H

    Neg hit a hot girl with Acne

    Nah, I disagree with most guys. I think you can neg her about acne. The hotter the girl is the more you have to knock up the harshness of the neg, in my experience. Example you could say "I think you could be a model, if you cleared up your completion." She's hot, but she ain't THAT...
  7. H


    Cold reading is telling the girl something about herself she doesn't realise. IE. Palm Reading, "you have a fiery passion..." That kinda ****.
  8. H

    How to pick up girls fast on holiday?

    Pay them lots of money.
  9. H

    The Looks Rule

    Any girl below a 4 is a WARPIG. A. ****ING. WARPIG.
  10. H

    What would make you drop a girl instantly

    How the **** has no-one said this yet? IF SHE FARTED IN BED.
  11. H

    What NOT to do around women

    "Can you jus hold this for a second while I go to the bathroom?" Uhh...sure. Why'd I do dat?
  12. H

    Two very true things about women

    Shut the **** up is a golden answer to any **** test.
  13. H

    not getting her because she thinks you're a player??

    Man, you guys are not taking advantage of the situation at all. This girl I'm dating thinks I'm a player and the attraction is way up because of this. However, she keeps ****-testing me ALL THE TIME on it. My advice is, drop a heavy rapport line, example: "You know I see a lot of women...
  14. H

    My Neg Hitting

    Call her a coke*****. Throw a drink on her, coz she's a ****ing coke***** and deserves it.
  15. H

    Null Opener

    If you get the number in thirty seconds, or **** any amount of time without building attraction and maybe a little rapport, chances are the number'll flake. False time constraints are awesome. Combined with negs it bumps your set right up.