Recent content by HeyPachuco!

  1. H

    Update: stabbed!

    Lol exactly as I thought, just another wingnut norman bates online.
  2. H

    How Can I Get my Ex-Girlfriend Back (HELP!)

    How about no. I came in here (after nearly 2 years prior) to get advice about my dilemma with a woman I spent over a year with. You and Mr Accident & Emergency (otherwise known as Cabal) over there, decided to speak above your stations, with unwarranted berating and outdated epitaphs - And now...
  3. H

    How Can I Get my Ex-Girlfriend Back (HELP!)

    Really? Coming from the guy who was contemplating taking back or even, asking for advice about a girl who was trash and slept with his brother? I, OTOH, actually have other women circulating. It's why the relationship was in shatters in the first place, you imbecile. Do people still use...
  4. H

    How Can I Get my Ex-Girlfriend Back (HELP!)

    Sometimes common sense doesn't accomplish the results.
  5. H

    How Can I Get my Ex-Girlfriend Back (HELP!)

    Lol what do you take me for, didn't I tell you I was hired (headhunted) into an exclusive pua company for over a year? I mean, what planet are you living on? I wasn't a sucker with girls or persmission-boy, like you or other guys here before I even signed up. Without a doubt, I'll be turning up...
  6. H

    How Can I Get my Ex-Girlfriend Back (HELP!)

    I'm not sure you realize how "conditional" and challenging this unofficial shaky arrangement is though. Her emotions are as mixed as a pick and mix sweet bag. We can very well see eachother on this "arrangement", then her come out and say she's not interested in furthering it anymore and my...
  7. H

    Lose the Bitterness

    I know alot of guys who are bitter towards women, but still actively get laid more than there non-bitter counterparts. My old man is self evidence of this. I disagree with some of that post, like seeking to be a lover of women, I don't think its necessary if your goals are to be better with them...
  8. H

    AFC to DJ

    Sigh...Just sigh.
  9. H

    AFC to DJ

    Lolwot? Who was screaming and yelling at their girl? Maybe you should invest a software to help your comprehension reading skills? And just lol at your self-righteous sorrowful apology "I'm sorry for trolling and flaming". You flame my own thread with your non-coherent adolescent dribble and...
  10. H

    Update: stabbed!

    Sure, cool story. Needs more dragons and shiit though - Yep, a lesson for all of us - Don't work with SO, who is also a crazy BPD whhore. Sorry OP doesn't get any sympathy from me.
  11. H

    AFC to DJ

    Yes become a DJ, invest in dat dere soundsytem brah. I got a couple of techniks myself.
  12. H

    Update: stabbed!

    Speedy recovery Cabal.
  13. H

    How Can I Get my Ex-Girlfriend Back (HELP!)

    Kid, I'm not even going to waste my time with you anymore. You win the pissing contest. Night.
  14. H

    Update: stabbed!

    Lol at trying to label me a whiteknight because I agree with this hobo getting hit with an icepick.
  15. H

    How Can I Get my Ex-Girlfriend Back (HELP!)

    Scott, maybe if you could get it up properly, your girl wouldnt be getting railed by other dudes. Lol sure, you're really showing me, your mature bud