Recent content by Falcon Eye

  1. F

    cell or home #

    Come on dude; you've already been told it doesn't matter.
  2. F

    Need advice on hot late 40's broad

    Problem is I haven't won. I haven't bedded this broad yet. I'm telling you she's a female DJ. Not always available, cuts things short on the phone and IM. Truth is, I'm tempted everyday to call her. The brain knows what to do but the heart doesn't want to cooperate. I guess I just need...
  3. F

    Need advice on hot late 40's broad

    Hi guys, it's been a while. Here's the storey, Iv'e met this hot, very confident, self sufficient woman online. She's single and has a geat job. Tells me she'd like some fun in her life; fun being sex. I like what I saw and what I heard. We emailed a lot, I resisted a bit as I'm involved...
  4. F

    Having a hard time (EX)

    Hey Dietzcoi, I'm glad to see you've got something going on with a decent woman. I whole heartedly agree with with what you say about becoming involved with women with money and who can stand on their own two feet financially, it's quite refreshing. I'm around your age dude and, like you, a...
  5. F

    Should i do this or not?

    Make the freaking phone call! The worst thing that can happen is that she tells you to beat it; on the other hand the best thing that could happen is that she winds up on her knees with your **** in her mouth. File this into the nothing to lose category and make the call!
  6. F

    So My 40+ yr old married boss wants it, and Im 24, how to proceed?

    Yes, someone IS talking, and that someone is you. I'm still skeptical about the reality of this story but if it is indeed true then you haven't acted very smartly and certainly not like a mature man. If you reread this thread you'll fnd that for the most part the advice was DON'T GO THERE...
  7. F

    So My 40+ yr old married boss wants it, and Im 24, how to proceed?

    Care to elaborate? Yesterday it was no big deal.
  8. F

    my internet personals ad......

    Totally disagree The reason that your twenty year old friends seem youthful is because they are! They have not yet grown up. What happens when they do grow up and start acting like working stiffs? Are you going to be thirty five years old and trying to hang out with twenty year olds in...
  9. F

    my internet personals ad......

    I couldn't agree more Supreme For the life of me I can never understand why a man of forty or close to that number would be interested in twenty year olds. Christ! What could a Mature Man have in common with them. They're inexperienced, immature and a lot of them are as dumb as door knobs...
  10. F

    So My 40+ yr old married boss wants it, and Im 24, how to proceed?

    I call troll on this one Yep, you're forty year old married boss wants you, a 24 year old, to screw her brains out and talks about it with some one else. This someone else just happens to have a daughter that has the hots for you and her mother has passed on all this information that her...
  11. F

    I need some help & advice.

    No such thing as a pefect relationship. I agree with Newman; I call BS on this story of hers. The red flags are there plain and simple. First of all she never told you that she was invited to this party by a guy that you never knew existed. Secondly, she got her brains screwed out and...
  12. F

    Daughter's mother

    Absolutely 100% wrong. Nothing negates any obligation he has to the child.
  13. F

    in need of help from experienced DJs !

    OK, read what WaterTiger told again, and heed the advice bud. She's a woman of thirty years and, like it or not, you're still a boy, atleast in her eyes. This woman obviously had all of the control in this relationship and she played you like a puppet. You came across as being desperate...
  14. F

    Complicated Situation

    Good to hear. You've made a decision, now stick with it. Your problem though is that this woman is someone that you will be seeing, atleast from time to time, at family gatherings in the future and the temptation will most certainly be there. You'll need your will power to be strong, very...
  15. F

    Complicated Situation

    You're headed to the big "D" and I don't mean Dallas! Read those words again. You're headed towards the big 'D" and I don't mean Dallas. First of all what do you mean when you say, you've fooled around? Have you kissed this woman, played with her breasts, felt her wetness, gotten a blow job...