Recent content by De La Soul

  1. D

    Attributes of the Alpha Male

    Re: Re: Attributes of the Alpha Male You're describing a certain type of alpha here, just remember that not all alpha males conform to the stereotype of an alpha male as a big muscly guy who always gets his way. Basically true. Attribute #2 -- An alpha male is comfortable with himself...
  2. D

    Persuade Women Into Saying Yes

    One key problem with this: why would you want a girl to thoughtlessly agree with you?! It's much more fun attracting women by being honest with yourself than by tricking her into liking you or agreeing with you, which is pretty inauthentic. - De La Soul
  3. D


    I think one of the factors is the extra policing that would go with avatars. I mean, we don't want people posting their porn in avatars, or annoying flashing images...
  4. D

    Feminism on Trial!

    Re: Hey Pook... Blast from the past.
  5. D

    A potential flaw I see in Pook's reasoning [merged]

    Yeah, firstly, what the other guys said (it's more like three weeks than three months). Secondly, and far more importantly, what DJ system are you referring to?! There is no "DJ system", or not one that I'm aware of. I don't understand how something which has not been written down or even...
  6. D

    Dressing like a playa

    But, truth be told, I actually didn't read the original post correctly. If you're wanting to dress like a "playa" it all depends on what a "playa" is. Tell us a little about your appearance before you go out chasing a certain look. For example, if you're a short, balding guy the "slick...
  7. D

    Dressing like a playa

    Wow. You showed me.
  8. D

    Dressing like a playa

    Don't know if this post was sarcastic but... DO NOT a. ...DRESS "HIP HOP" b. ...TALK LIKE THIS GUY. Just dress smart casual. Get yourself a nice jacket, not necessarily leather (although leather jackets are great), a few pairs of nice pants and shoes, and you're laughing. PS. Don't...
  9. D

    So I've been using Juggler/sexPDX's techniques....

    simplyme, Three options: 1. --> search the archives for the poster "juggler" 2. 3. Do a search in this forum (Discussion) for a SexPDX post with "juggler" in the title. I was going to write a brief summary of the juggler method in the...
  10. D

    Cutting AND bulking...

    Whoa! Very wrong.
  11. D

    Just getting started here, need some help.

    I'm gonna get straight to the point here. I just deleted my whole damn answer before I could reply, so I'll keep this short. Bulk during these next 4 or 5 winter months and start cutting anywhere from early September to mid October for the summer. Cutting basically involves cardio and...
  12. D

    Opinions Censored?

    I think BBB took offence, Gio. I can't remember exactly, but I seem to remember seeing a post from BBB saying that your comments were out of line and Allen agreed.
  13. D

    The Alpha Male

    The guy who can be himself comfortably, honestly, humourously, openly... that man also gets chicks. So yeah, I guess I agree. Not with everything you wrote, mostly because it wasn't put very eloquently or clearly, but I agree that the man who can be himself well gets chicks. And is probably...
  14. D

    The Alpha Male

    Haha! No, if someone takes food from another person's plate, fights, or spends a lot of money it does not make them alpha! >> MOSAIC THUMP
  15. D

    Please limit newcomer numbers.

    "Mind telling me why?" Maybe if you're so "stressed out" a more effective way to limit the amount of people asking you questions would be to stop saying things like this... - "Anyone who wants my help can IM me or PM me anytime they please... Come on newbies, throw me your questions!" "...