Recent content by CAPSLOCK BANDIT



    Ab training is for functional strength since all movements travel through the core to varying degrees, what this also means is that you'll need either hyper isolation or a ton of reps which from an aesthetic point of view is a complete waste of your time.

    Plate had threesome with friend and another guy in past, but refuses to do one with me.

    You found out through the friend? Your talking about sex with her friend without her knowing? This is gonna come back to bite you, should always let her lead the 3some, she probably doesn't wanna lead the 3some nor let her friend lead one with you but let her friend lead one before, it's common...

    I was a virgin at 21 and at 23 I have slept with 12 women but now I'm mentally ruined.

    Part of being a great competitor is the ability to overcome changing conditions and adversity, that only reason the realization carries so much weight and is the epiphany stage for all men because they realize sex isn't this thing that's channeled through contemporary spaces, there's not these...

    Wife cut her hair

    My gf cut her hair above her ear short recently, I'm right here with you

    I don't (like to) add too much weight too fast..

    Basically you've answered your own question, lifting heavy is the answer but doing so without good technique as you've said is gonna be a back breaker. If you wanna start today, hire a trainer to help you direct your efforts into what you wanna grow and your technique will come with it. If you...

    GF wants me to sign a lease agreement before I move in

    I live with my woman part time, she owns the place, we had to establish some boundaries up front... Like for example, she felt like there wasn't a point in us living together if we weren't watching the same shows and doing the same thing, this culminated into me watching 4 hours of My Little...

    Success Story for my incel friend from High School

    People don't need a life coach or financial coach to escape inceldom, all the information is online, 90% of the educations being paid for is free online, hell many programs have a "Challenge The Final" clause where you can just opt to take the final right out the gate. "Ill teach you to do...

    I feel like A POS - I broke a good woman's heart. How do I deal with it?

    The fact that she was so willing to dismiss her chance of getting potentially easy citizenship screams one thing: Options. LDR is a joke, the more you qualify this woman, good looking, business owner, the more ridiculous this becomes. Notice how the 2 above points conflict with each other? Her...

    Question for homeowners: ever try to decorate your front yard to attract women?

    If they don't like it, your other qualities may overcome that, if they do like it, well there you go... Also, I didn't say it worked, you said it didn't, don't put words into my mouth because you have a garbage argument You played video games and didn't get women? Wow bro, where have I heard...

    Question for homeowners: ever try to decorate your front yard to attract women?

    Pokemon is the biggest commercial brand on the planet, you guys are totally off base on this and it certainly isn't a condemnation of one's character. This is an incredibly ignorant take, like you haven't even tried it before, how would you even know? Again just super ignorant and reductive.

    How common are shoe lifts or elevator shoes

    I feel like if your wearing lifts your letting the world know your height bothers you, I mean you have "Confidence"and then you have a" Confidence Man" and I feel it's the latter. Dont be fraudulent, own your look, only time I might say otherwise is like your wedding photos or photos on the...

    Do you hear of stories of teenagers that didn't "hit it off" then, but ended up doing so after many years?

    Every woman I've ever been with has come back at some point to varying degrees, some to express anger or frustration, others to express something else but I do think it's very common and I don't think there's a single vector you could chart this on, could be FOMO, social circle, resources, who knows

    How to get the same soreness from leg days when doing chest

    If your gauging progress by how you feel as opposed to just putting your faith into the numbers your on the road to an injury for sure because as you get into the deeper parts of your set your form breaks down to accommodate the stress, sure you may not make as much progress however if you have...

    How to get the same soreness from leg days when doing chest

    I'm the type of person, I don't use the gym necessarily to be fit, it's a great goal but my goal is to help manage my mental health, with that being said you have your good and bad days, on bad days I typically overdo it in the gym, on really bad days I might even go twice in a single day. I...