Recent content by avrilishot

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    What is the best approach on myspace/internet

    Dude dont meet chicks on the net, its dumb. They could be lieing(sp) to you and s*it.
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    yep like he said.
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    what do you think of this guy? Let me know what you think?
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    can you go through your day with out cussing?

    I have been thinking about this for awhile. See to me its impossible. Im not sure why. I mean my parents dont cuss and I really dont hang out with many of my buddies. well when im around chicks I try not to cuss. But sometimes it does slip out. To me cussing relives stress. Maybe but im not...
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    max times youve jerked it?

    the most in a day was 5 thats only happened twice lol.
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    Am i Crazy? No i'm not!!!

    hey sometimes I also have to do that lol. theres nothing wrong witth it, even if people think were crazy f*ck them. they dont have the balls to do some crazy s*it sometimes.
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    What should I do?

    f*ck that I wouldnt give a s*it to meet her b/f or even talk to her again. thats just me though.
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    does the sun give you birthmarks?

    Well lately I have been outside alot. tons of yard work and stuff. I have noticed that I have been getting birthmarks more on my face than ever. so what I was wondering, is this from the sun or what? I remember hearing awhile back that to much sun will do this to you. so could someone please...
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    Penis too dark

    thats true. you could do that. honestly I wouldnt really give a s*it though.
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    Last minute date cancel

    I think your doing the right thing. by the way im glad you stayed positive by saying "Either way there are more fish in the sea" good job. sometimes thats what I have to remember.
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    How to find out if she has a bf...

    well what I would say is so are you and that dude still together? just make it casual so it wont be embarassing. thats what I do. I guess either way could be good, its just I hate going up to girls and saying so are you single? to me it sounds kinda desperate.
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    sad to see it end

    yeah dude dump her for sure. just cause she has looks doesnt make her anything special. you need to move on and find a girl that is hot and has a decent personallity. cause if you dont im sure later you will regret it.
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    Ganji Games: "A Last Ditch Effort To Get The Girl"

    this is kinda good and kinda bad. I have done this in my past and this is what happened. Alright I used to work with this chick and I knew her for a few months I told her I liked her and all, but she said she couldnt date anyone at the moment, so I took your advice and I ignored her. then I...
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    videos you have to check out

    wow nice videos:rockon:
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    10 Tips from Mystery

    sweet I liked that alot. thanks man