Recent content by 2Rocky

  1. 2Rocky

    You look so familiar

    "did you meet my evil twin? He's really been messing things up for me lately." With a grin and a smile.... Then deep dive...."Where do you think you know me from? Where would we have met?...."
  2. 2Rocky

    6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me

    Assuming you aren't some young underage kid , you need to understand: you don't "earn" sex with gifts, and expensive dates. You earn it through making her FEEL turned on by being around you. She wants to feel "valued", not worshipped. She wants you to be worth valuing too For your...
  3. 2Rocky

    Divine Masculinity

    What is divine masculinity? Divine masculinity is marked by action. This energy represents leadership, taking charge, and doing rather than being. Unlike feminine energy, which is meant to teach us to let things flow and come to us—think, “I don't chase, I attract” vibes—masculine energy teaches...
  4. 2Rocky

    Are We Dating the Same Guy? Groups

    Psssh, I live in a small community. I danced with a woman on Friday and my boss asked me about her on Monday. Live your life as if it is broadcast on a big screen and don't worry about it.
  5. 2Rocky

    Baldness can destroy a man's life

    I knew from a young age I was going to have male pattern baldness, and said I would shave it when it happened. I 've been at least clipper buzzed ever since 2007. I did grow my facial hair and it is plenty to deal with . The Avatar to the left is not far off minus the war paint.
  6. 2Rocky

    Girlfriend doesn't want to pay me rent.

    My situation (without revealing too much) was there was a disparity in income at the start. Now her career has taken off so in short: She does the regular "big Shop" for groceries, while I will fill in with some fill ins from the grocery store on my way home from work. I totalled last years...
  7. 2Rocky

    I'll never understand women and social media...

    SM is the ultimate PR weapon.
  8. 2Rocky

    I want to be a father one day...

    Oh I may have met the wrong person for a lifetime, but we made some pretty damn good kids. I'd say for the first 10 years she was the right partner but I grew and she didn't. Remember you can't rewrite the past but you can author the next chapter.
  9. 2Rocky

    Which option would you choose?

    My college job I applied for I was not remotely qualified for. The administrator interviewing took me to his colleague and gave me another job, which had not even been advertised. . Within 3 months I was the Lead in the position and scheduled all other employees in that role. A good employer...
  10. 2Rocky

    I want to be a father one day...

    Being a Father (speaking as someone who has been one for 25 years) is the ultimate in being a leader. I think most fathers learn that on the job rather than having that skill as a prerequisite. But women who want to have a family with a man will recognize the potential in that man's actions...
  11. 2Rocky

    37-year-old single influencer sick of waiting for the ‘perfect partner’ enjoys solo honeymoon

    I'd quit worrying about her choices and follow her example as a MAN. Figure out what is TRULY important to you and go after it. You will be surprised what quality of women you run into when you are living your own dream. When you are on your own road to success, pay attention to who is on the...
  12. 2Rocky

    Crises point. I want to settle but at what cost.

    The LTR Questionnaire: Keep meeting women until you find one who answers all these points to your satisfaction. Is she available to commit to a relationship with me? Do I love her for who she is right now, who she is today? Does she blame her ex, kids, other people, or circumstances...
  13. 2Rocky

    Do yall ever send the first text after the first date

    When all you have to text is: "the test came back negative" Then you WIN
  14. 2Rocky

    What was your experience with "Spring Break" trips as a college-age lad?

    Never went to a Spring Break Location (as seen on MTV). My frat bros who did, were more about the drinking than meeting girls. I usually used it to interview for my summer job that I would have 2 months later.
  15. 2Rocky

    How long do you wait before setting up 2nd date

    Every time I've had a great connection on a first date, the second one was set during the first. I kid you not. More often than not the girl was the one proposing when we would meet again. Besides, after 15 minutes you already know if you want to see her again and after 5 minutes she knows...