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  • I bought a hard copy of the famous compilation of your work off of Amazon, and as I understand it you are not receiving any money from this. Is there a way I could donate? I think a lot of people are thankful for the insights you shared and feel inclined to give you something in return.
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    Reactions: Vik Divine
    Hes no longer available. He dissapeared.
    Vik Divine
    Do you think he died?
    @ Vik Divine, it's one of life's biggest mysteries. No one knows for sure. Maybe he died. Who knows.
    Hey Pook, you have been my favorite dj since 2006 when I first read you and Im still reading you because I keep on making mistakes hahaha hope you post something new one of these days... or hit me up on Facebook, would love to know you. Have a good one. Diego Llort
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