Fountain of Youth


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
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And be glad! All those frustrations, all those hesitations, the nervousness, the burning, the butterflies of unease, the confusions, and the errors that manifest itself when your mind says "Do this" and your body and personality do not follow- all of these can be washed away... forever.

Yes, you thought yourself ignorant about women, so inexperienced, so confused, and you just seemed to be following an evil circle. Maybe you were like me, a super mega dork who slept through life until now. And, perhaps like I did, you read and reread all material on women and life you could get your hands on.

But what if I told you that you were always a Don Juan at one point in time? And I do not mean in a specific situation or hour, I mean at one point in your life you KNEW EVERYTHING ABOUT WOMEN and handled them WITH PERFECT EASE, so perfect that it was 100% NATURAL and if anyone told you to view a website or books for 'information' you would laugh yourself silly!

Wouldn't that change everything? Wouldn't you say to yourself, "Well! If I was the PERFECT Don Juan then I would try to remember how I THOUGHT and what I DID when I WAS that Don Juan rather than mine endless posts and books. After all, if I WAS a Don Juan, then I require only recollection NOT revelation."

Go find a picture of yourself when you were a young kid (say at age 6). Look at him! He is smiling gleefully without a care in the world. He doesn't know he is going to turn into the sad adult that you are now. Hormonally, the only difference between you and your youthful shadow is that you are flooded in testosterone and in a state of chemical madness. Your youthful shadow knows better of the joys of life. It is no wonder parents find their offspring such a wonder as they reframe the dull life of bills, appointments, and responsibilities with the fire of youth.

Yes, you say that you are an adult now. You have responsibilities such as bills and chores and work to do. You have no time for such nonsense. Or do you?

I bet when you were a kid, you were a natural Don Juan. I bet you got all the girls in the sandbox. As a child, you knew how to treat women better then even though you are now an adult. Some of these factors include that you....

-Knew girls and guys were different.

Trendy intellectuals have this problem today! You KNEW there was MALE and FEMALE.

-Realized girls had cooties and could destroy a guy.

This isn't too far off as girls can totally devour and destroy a man and his life.

-Knew that it was improper to be girlish. You would (and ought to) get beaten up on the playground.

Older people get an error in the brain called PHILOSOPHY that speaks bubble swelled words like 'relativity', 'revolution', freedom' and pop with the scent of rotten eggs of pious moralizations, bumper sticker arguments, and rambling dissertations. You knew, at an early age that YOU CANNOT FREE YOURSELF FROM GENDER.

-Girls were not to be taken seriously. After all, they are girls.

It is the nice guy that takes the woman seriously in every and all things AND CANNOT SAY NO TO HER!)

-Girls were to be guided, teased, because, after all, they were girls and, as such, tended to mess things up. You pulled their hair, made fun of their clothes...

...not because an internet guy named DeAngelo told you to do so, but because you knew instinctively that it was right and proper for you to do.

-As a boy, you would never leave the plans up to the woman. Oh, that would be awful! As a kid, you had to say WHAT you two were going to do, WHEN, WHERE, and sometimes WHY. You had to be direct.

"Why do I need a plan, Pook? Why can't we do what SHE wants to do?" Because she has no idea what she wants to do. Example:

"When do you want to come over?"

"I don't know."

"On Tuesday or Thursday?"

"I just don't know."

"How about Wednesday? Is that OK for you?"


"What about Tuesday or Friday?"

"I dunno!"

*aggravated* "Argh! I am coming to pick you up at 7:45 PM on Wednesday."

*sweetly* "OK!"

-You did not get into serious talks with a girl. You did not turn her into Oprah. You did not try to impress her with how 'intellectual' you are. You probably hit her, cried "Tag!", ran off, and she would chase after you. You would get on the swings. You would push her off the slides. On the see-saw, you would try to fall as fast as possible to catapult her away.

Everything you did with a girl was ACTION dates. Nice Guys try to cook the lady dinner. YOU wouldn't even DARE do such a thing when you were young. Now I know why some of my best dates are ones as simple as taking the girl to the park and run around like little kids. Action! Action! Action!

-As a kid you loved to sing. You loved to laugh.

What do you do now? You are so uptight that you wouldn’t catch yourself dead singing outside your home. And what happened to that happy laughter that marked your childhood? Why are you taking everything so seriously now!?

-You had toys and loved to play with them. When the girls entered your sphere, you insisted on playing with YOUR toys. You would ride your bike at death defying speeds. You played with cranes and Tonka dump trucks. You LOVED firetrucks.

When you grow up, your Hot Wheels cars turn into super fast sport cars (which you still drive at death defying speeds). Your cranes and dump trucks turn into the big ones and you still love the firetrucks. Compare this to the Nice Guy who does not understand the beauty of construction or get scared at the idea of firetrucks. There is a reason why women LOVE firemen

-You embraced your imagination. If you played with a girl, it was to be on your terms. You will not find a boy that says to a girl, "Whatever YOU want to do." I remember flicking caterpillars on girls (and they loved it!). You would point to the girl and go, "You are the detective and I am the cop." And then you pointed to others and go, "Look at these villains! Come, we must round them up!" And the girls joyfully played the part.

What do you do NOW? "Let's go get dinner." BORING.

-You had one eternal enemy in childhood, boredom. Like a void, it encroached on you in school, ensnared you with a stupid trip with the parents, and enveloped you as you stepped on the school bus. You embraced every chance for play.

If there is ONE thing a man must NEVER do to a woman, it is this: DO NOT BORE HER. Make her happy, make her angry, make her laugh, ANYTHING but bore her. That enemy, boredom, is back and women are looking for you to strike it down. Embrace your youth and live again for the first time.

-Even at your young age, you were aware of fashion. Your mother was perplexed at why you couldn't wear THAT shirt or put on THOSE shoes. You knew the importance clothes and appearance had.

Nice Guys and chumps try to say nothing for appearance and say, "she will like me for who I am", and, with the same breath, ignore the chicks who do nothing appearance wise (big whale chicks, pimply chicks, and such) while getting shot down at the real women.

-When you were young, your father was a DEMI-GOD. You both feared and loved him. He could be playful when he wanted to. But, always, he was a SOURCE of STRENGTH, always confidant, and always seemed to know the solution to any problem you came across. This feeling of awe you thought of your father is the perfect definition of a MAN.

When you strive to be that same towering figure, which seemed to have solutions to all problems, confidence for all troubles, know how for all messes, stability for all storms, women will react to you in the same way. It is said, "Women want to marry their fathers." But this phrase has been taken completely out of context. Women want to marry THAT guy, that MAN they knew when they were a little girl. You can only understand and become that man through the eyes of the young boy.

Now some women will protest this advocacy of looking at women as little girls. This works especially well with the YOUNGER chicks (which is what most guys here want). This also solves a legal mystery: why were women from 1800s and down treated, BY LAW, as children? We know the answer now). (And I would say to women to treat men the same way. Women are most charming when they view us as boys.)

"He, whom the gods love, grows young," said the ancient Greeks. Look at that picture of the young you! Now look in the mirror. The blazing light in the youth's eyes, the curiosity, and the wonders he saw at Nature and life, the joy he loved at any occasion! Are they still part of you? Look into the mirror. Is the same light in your eyes?

If not, then you know what you need to do. You have come to the solution of your Don Juan troubles. Legends spoke of a Fountain of Youth that turns the old young. Conquistadors prowled continents hunting for this magical facet of Nature. This legend of the Fountain of Youth was like a psychological splinter in the minds of so many men, driving them across the world through dangers and storms to obtain such a treasure. But it was not in the world, it was in us. Who knew women are the key that seems to unlock all of Nature's mysteries?

Doesn't this clear the stormy air of confusion? (especially with younger 'immature' women!) When you are with a woman and a thousand Don Juan philosophies and tactics come to thwart your peace, remember the kid that you were... and how he looked on life. Yes, she might be a twenty-something vixen. But underneath those milk-sacs and fat deposits that drive your chemicals mad, is a little girl. Rather than being nervous about some date, view the date as if you were seven years old. Everything becomes simple and fun (as it should be!).


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
One thing is for certain, women go NUTS over a guy who keeps his boyhood charm as women want an ESCAPE. They do not want to hear your views on the world. They want to have the happiness and fun of their childhood back (as everyone does!). They will FIGHT for the rare men who truly live like this (this also explains the mystery why uneducated men often seem to do BETTER with women than many men with PhDs who are so 'smart' they intellectualized life out of existence).

As we know, cell division error, aided by free radicals, accumulates errors throughout the body as time passes. A person of 80 obviously has more errors than that of 40. His tissues start to fail, making his organs fail, then entire organ systems collapse, until life is snuffed out.

In the same way, our minds start out pristine and pure (that of the child!) and everything is playful, fun, and simple. But as time passes, philosophies and bitter memories accumulate. The diseased person looks at life only through the philosophical lens, living a life of past memories, and so his life decays and decays until there is no life within him.

Pook hands you the chalice. Drink and pass the cup around. This water from the Fountain of Youth will wash away these errors, all those ‘frames’ your bitter memories eat at your mind. Drink to the girls that rejected you viciously. Drink to the ‘macho’ guys that beat you up in school. Drink to the chains of routines, errands, and appointments. Drink to your ambition, drink to your melancholy, drink to your loneliness. Drink to your heart’s content and pass the cup around. Your mind has now absorbed the blessed waters of the Fountain of Youth. You are now the light of the world! Your life is now young, fruitful, fun, easy, simple, and your body will reflect it as well.

The world is now your sandbox. Rejoice! Many people get swallowed up in their vanity, all believing themselves 'brilliant' and 'smart'. They follow their philosophies unquestioningly and their lives walk on the quicksand of melancholy. But... they see the new you and it smashes all their philosophies to bits. They ask each other, "How can he be so happy? How can he be so ALIVE? Let us study him and we will write articles and manifestos on him." But you know the truth. Their ambitions have consumed them while you look on life with youthful eyes...

...and live in a Child's Paradise.


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
Brilliant !!

You know, I've always wondered why children are so happy... but I never dared to relate that to women...
Now I see... as children, all we want is fun, to make ourselves happy regardless of girls or responsibilities.

As we grow old we abandon these... and spend our lives looking for some happiness that was always lying inside us.

Beautiful, Pook.

I admire yuor brilliance. This post has reached me to the heart.



Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Great Post!

Whatsup Pook,

That’s a great post and I understand it completely but there's one problem in it for me I never had the chance to experience a childhood like that so I have no happiness/naturalness to revert back to. Let me explain from early on my mom did a good job in De-masculinizing me and my father did a good job in beating the happiness out of me. Also when I was younger I found girls really boring to hang around with so I would play dodge ball and all them other child hood games with the guys and then when I got older and I started to want to talk to girls and it was a whole new confusing territory to explore.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2001
Reaction score
Heck, I've been preaching imagination for as long as I can remember. But it's Pook who knows how to capture the attention of the masses, and for that I commend him. Nice post.

The child in all of us never really dies, it just goes unnoticed...

"If your rap is strong it can't go wrong."


Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Clint Eastwood

Don Juan
Jul 4, 2002
Reaction score
Great insights as usual Pook! But, there is a sort of catch 22 in all of what you said. I agree that women want the kind of man that their father represented when they were young. And all young boys look up to this father figure as well. But, being that strong, mature, stable figure and combining it with the youthful charm of a 7 year old is a difficult thing indeed.

I also agree that the youthful charm of which you spoke is very important to your daily happiness, as well as keeping you and your girl from getting bored. It's just that keeping the right balance of the mature father figure and the happy-go-lucky kid on the playground, seems very challenging. :confused:

Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
the best place on earth- cali
A refreshing perspective on life.

I miss those carefree days as a child... where did they go?

<drinks> Ah, once again, they are at my fingertips.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score
I know your posts are acutely you thinking out loud. I personally think you should write a book. Or at least write in different forums on other web sites. If this is the only forum you write in, then your knowledge/thoughts are not getting to every one.

Your a thinking man that can put your thoughts into words successfully. Im sure as time goes on, you will be thinking of more and more insight as to how we think. How we got to thinking/acting that way. Why, why, why, why. Why is a beautiful word.

Pook, the more experienced I get at life, the more you make sense.


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Great post Pook!

I wanted to let you know that your posts, of all on the site, have had the most influence on my life. There basically the reason I keep coming back. I always look forward to your next. Thanks a lot!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
Good post, but....

Though I find myself fully agreeing with it, I also find it slightly vague. Most people won't know how to actualise themselves.

That is personally why I think there is some merit to SS, not as end end in itself but as means to an end, in that it provides a concrete method to take hold of and actualise. I would never base my life philosophy on it, but trying them out does have some positive results.

To put it in the framework of an old Indian sage: You identified the problem, the cause, and the effect when that cause is absent. Not so much the way to actually do this.

Or maybe I just need to reread it.:cool:

Anyway, nice work, Pook.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2001
Reaction score
Nottingham, England.
He's Back....

Good stuff.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
what an excellent way of thinking outside of the box to tackle a problem we all have to a certain extent,forgetting that life isnt all work and stress.even coming to this site we can stress about how to better be a dj or how to get that girl to call or ect.but if we begin to look at life as fun,a blessing,and enjoy everything around us then we can take joy in all we do.who doesnt like being around joyful people?im sure the women would rather be with the guy having a great time no matter what hes doing than the guy stressing to come up with pickup lines or a philosophy on how to get "her" and never quite enjoying the life hes living.finding happiness in ourselves,draws others to us.applying these principles with things learned on the forum will definitely make you the center of attention almost anywhere :)

Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Re: Great Post!

Originally posted by JohnElDonJuan

That’s a great post and I understand it completely but there's one problem in it for me I never had the chance to experience a childhood like that so I have no happiness/naturalness to revert back to. Let me explain from early on my mom did a good job in De-masculinizing me and my father did a good job in beating the happiness out of me.
There are DEFINATELY going to be some exceptions to this post, me included. I was FORBIDDEN to be near girls because of my mother's stupid religious beliefs. If I didn't do what her God said, I was beaten. Therefore, I became instantly intimidated by women.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
Awesome !!

Pook, you have hit the nail on the head!!

If I think back to times when I have picked up girls when I wasn't even trying, it was when I was of the mindset that I just don't have a care in the world. Which is just like you are as a kid.

Even if you get knocked back from a woman, you're in such a good mood that you don't care anyway.

The best dates I've ever been on are when the two of you just have a laugh and nothing is really serious, just like when you were kids.

When it comes down to it women just want to have fun with a guy, what an awesome mindset to have when out on dates.

Keep up the good work



Aug 17, 2002
Reaction score
In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
Re: Re: Great Post!

Originally posted by Bungo Pony
There are DEFINATELY going to be some exceptions to this post, me included. I was FORBIDDEN to be near girls because of my mother's stupid religious beliefs. If I didn't do what her God said, I was beaten. Therefore, I became instantly intimidated by women.
Indeed, maybe the childhood Pook speaks of is true of him but it seems more like some idealistic version of the past that never really existed. I too recall my childhood with torment, if I could I wouldn't live it again. Maybe this metaphor will work for some people tho...

At this point you probably have a woman (or multiple women) chasing you around, calling you all the time, wanting to be with you. So let's talk about how to KEEP a woman interested in you once you have her. This is BIG! There is nothing worse than getting dumped by a woman that you really, really like.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Eric Smith

Don Juan
Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
Go find a picture of yourself when you were a young kid (say at age 6).
I think overall its been decided from this thread, George Gordon's, and a myriad of others, that true DJs are little kids. Its just that girls were never taught to not be feminine. Yet boys are often taught to be restrained, or stripped from their masculinity.

I bet you got all the girls in the sandbox. As a child, you knew how to treat women better then even though you are now an adult. Some of these factors include that you....
I think its funny how being ****y to girls actually makes them want you. At the time I was a huge ass to girls and I found so many secret admirer letters in my little cubby. Its just too bad at the time I didn't think of doing anything with those girls except to be ****y with them.

Trendy intellectuals have this problem today! You KNEW there was MALE and FEMALE.
I heard many an AFC talk about how they don't treat girls any more different than guys as in they wouldn't want to be sexual with a woman in conversation. Yet these people were often fools and got no women. My friend back in HS was really ****y, made sexual jokes all the time to girls, and I think overall nailed around 30 girls in HS because he was just himself, something nobody should really be ashamed of.

As a kid you loved to sing. You loved to laugh.
Actually, I never liked to sing as a kid. I thought it was stupid. Now that I'm 18, I still think its stupid. However if I have a tight freestyle rhyme, I will say it out loud. Most guys are cynical (for they were upstaged) and the girls are often stunned by it.

Many people get swallowed up in their vanity, all believing themselves 'brilliant' and 'smart'
What if you thought you were brilliant and smart when you were a kid. Ever since 1st grade, I took sh1tloads of logic tests and all this because it was estimated that my reading skills were 8th grade and my math skills in 6th grade. I was even offered to skip two grades once. All of this helped develop a big ego when I was a child. So I had the quoted mentalities ever since I was six.


Overall, this is a very brilliant thread and very insightful. I will try to act more as a child, putting my needs ahead of others, and see how it goes. I will try to be the child that I was.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Great Post!

Originally posted by ShortTimer
Indeed, maybe the childhood Pook speaks of is true of him but it seems more like some idealistic version of the past that never really existed. I too recall my childhood with torment, if I could I wouldn't live it again. Maybe this metaphor will work for some people tho...
You guys are thinking too much of this.

There is no Time in Sexuality. In the realm of sexuality uncorrupted with 'intellect' and 'politics' and all, which is Womaniverse, time simply doesn't exist.

This is not looking at your childhood as if it were some 'Golden Age'. To the contrary, your entire life is the Golden Age. The problem isn't because you aged (because in sexuality, time doesn't exist), the problem with many is they've become so super-intellectual or so 'educated' that it corrupts their sexuality.

Your body doesn't get corrupted by Time. It gets corrupted by cell division error and free radicals. In the same manner, your mind/soul doesn't age. It gets corrupted with 'intellect', 'philosphies', and 'education'.

I always wondered WHY girls could be attracted to hard bodies, happy smiles, but NEVER the genius. Now we know why.

Years ago, I was at my 'most natural state' when I would rant about philosophy, poiltics, economics, and so on.

As you can imagine, this bored the women (women want smart guys but not 'melancholy' filled philosophic guys). My actions were so 'intellectualized' that women saw through everything (or used me in some way).

This is an anti-intellectual post (very tame of what will follow). Many people sense that Time is going faster and faster and faster for them, as if Life is speeding up. Things become more frantic, responsibilities become more stacked, and the geometry of rules and regulations grow narrower and narrower around your life until nothing remains.

The reason why Time is speeding up is because your life's relationship to sexuality is going down.

This isn't about bringing your childhood into the present. It is to CLEANSE your mind and soul of all this philosophic DUST and bitter memory GARBAGE that has accumulated.

We cannot reverse time with our bodies (thanks to the cell-division error). But we can drink from this fountain of youth for our own minds.

With one sip, the 'complexity' of women just vanish!

With two sips, you no longer want to 'talk' and 'intellectualize' with girls, you just want to run around and have fun.

With three sips, you look at all these 'manifestos' of women and how to get women with disbelief.

This Fountain of Youth is NOT immaturity. It is NOT mediocrity.

I find it amazing how people go through so much trouble to make sure their body isn't contaminated by disease, germs, and the like. Yet, there is no such consideration for their mind and soul with politics, philosophies, and perversions of all sort to infect and tear down your sexuality, and thus, your life.

Think about it. Do you want to have a relationship based on talking about DNA?

The childhood example applies becaues no child intellectualizes life. It was only years and years later that I decided I was 'smart' and so read and read and got filled with a lot of BS that life slipped past me.

Most people's sexuality deteriorates. Some people's deteriorates more than others. But when one of these people see a Don Juan, oh, they start intellectualizing what is 'really' going on. So all these 'theories' are born which is just the intellectual's excuse to not face the truth about himself....

That HE was not so 'brilliant' after all!


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
Gez, pokie, you really think that make you look good
Get less negative, this 'no this, no that' breaks rapport, look at me, the 'negativity' of my nickname makes people feel resistence

BTW, this IS good advice, the way I see is that sometimes people ARE GUILTY(myself included) of looking too much in the future and not enjoying themselves TODAY as a 'kid' would do. Sometimes you just have to stop delay all the 'important' stuff you 'need' to do and enjoy a little

Pook: I never say what people ought to do.I dont give advice. I dont believe on self-esteem.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
We the children

There are two ¨virtual¨ people who I follow their advice blindly. Michael Jackson and Pook. In fact, everybody elses advice I dont follow.
Pook, you have always talked about fun. About having fun dates, having fun with yourself, taking yourself out to do what you want to do.
I see a reflection of this in this post.

Michael Jackson always, always, talks about being a child at heart, about never losing the innocence of a child.
He explains how animals and children dont judge, they just want to share their love and have fun. They dont want to take away your money, or whatever it is you have. He says he came to the conclusion that the worlds problems are because of lack of childhood. That we must never lose our childhood.

I proceeded to follow both of your advice. What came as a result? That I define myself as a child with sexuality. Not sexuality as that which includes sexual intercourse. Morelike that of a male, masculinity. A male who will, in time, have offspring, and will take care of them fiercely. A male who has to work to win money to have bread.
A sexual child.

What came as a result of me being a sexual child? I have several women after me. I have fun in life, enjoy every second of it. And have the loudest laugh I have ever heard :D !

"I didnt have a childhood"

I, personaly, was very shy with women as a kid. I began masturbating at 4, actually (although I didnt know I was).
Its not childhood itself. You are an adult, and mommy wont have your breakfast in the morning. Its the spirit of childhood.
Childlike traits are incrustrated in your nature. If I ask you to act childish, i am totally sure you will be perfect at it.
Grasp the spirit of childhood, which is having fun.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
Some of you guys are pathetic...

Can't you see that these are only words... only words.

What really matters are the toughts behind them...

Can you see them? Can you see the gold in them? Can you extract it?

If you can't, that's your own fvcking problem.. so STFU!!!

It's not what he said, it's not even what he ment, it's what you're going to learn from it... Pook does it for you, damn it! Show some respect!
